


Frequently Asked Questions

What is hospice care?

Hospice care is specialized care for patients who have a life-limiting illness. When medication can only comfort but not cure, our caring staff at Shiloh Hospice remain at your loved one’s side until the end. It is comfort-focused care required to manage symptoms, support family and also to increase the quality of life for people suffering at the end stage of their disease progression. We want to help you focus on spending time with your loved one and experience meaningful moments. Hospice care involves an integrative approach and often includes pain and symptom management, spiritual support and physical, social and emotional care.

What is Palliative?
Palliative goes hand in hand with care you are currently receiving from your doctor, however you get an additional set of eyes to help assist to manage symptoms related to chronic disease
The goal of care is to promote comfort care while receiving curative treatment.
What is the right time for hospice?

The right time for palliative care varies depending on patients’ needs. It can start at any time while the patient is undergoing curative treatments. Palliative care focuses on symptoms and alleviation of pain from serious illness and side effects from treatment. Palliative care Physicians, nurses, and other members of our team will work with your loved ones to identify patient-centered goals, including symptom relief, counseling, spiritual comfort or whatever you feel will enhance your quality of life.

When is a patient eligible for hospice?

Hospice care can be started when a physician determines that the patient’s life expectancy is less than six months, given the illness follows its typical progression. The physician can certify the patient’s care to be extended if your loved one lives past the 6-month mark.

If four or more of these apply to you, hospice might be the answer:

  • Patient wants their care to be focused on providing comfort instead of curing their illness
  • Hospitalizations or emergency room trips happen frequently in the past 6 months
  • Non-healing wounds or reoccurring infections
  • Less desire to eat, causing weight loss with changes in body composition.
  • Health has visibly declined over the previous 6 months despite medical treatment
  • Uncontrolled pain, nausea, vomiting or trouble breathing even at rest
  • Physician has determined life expectancy is 6 months or less
  • Cannot perform activities for daily living: eating, walking, bathing or using the restroom
  • Patient wishes to focus on improving their quality of life instead of pursuing aggressive treatment
What services are provided?

Every patient has unique needs, but generally, hospice care involves the following:

  • Create a plan of care that is personalized to your loved one’s specific needs
  • Providing at-home supplies you might need, such as a shower stool, walker, wheelchair, etc.
  • Nursing aids help with prescriptions and adjust dosage or frequency according to the physician’s direction
  • CNAs help patients complete activities of daily living, such as bathing, toileting and grooming
  • Volunteers offer social support and assist the family or caretaker with errands
  • End-of-life planning, access to community resources and emotional support alongside our social worker
  • Respite care, nutritional counseling, grief and bereavement counseling and support from a non-denominal Chaplain are also available
Who makes up the hospice care team?

Shiloh Hospice has an interdisciplinary team that upholds all of the patient’s needs. Our staff consists of compassionate physicians, nursing aids, social workers and volunteers who all play important roles in helping a patient feel as comfortable as possible. We also provide hospice chaplains and grief counselors to support your family.

What are the similarities between hospice and palliative care?

Hospice and palliative care have a lot in common:

  • Both forms of care are for people with serious illnesses or end-stage diseases.
  • The treatment goal for both is aimed at pain, symptom relief and overall improved quality of life.
  • Both forms of care are patient-sensitive, focusing on what matters to you most, including your personal preference, values, beliefs, spiritual and cultural goals.
  • Both forms of care are delivered by a team of professionals that work side by side with your personal doctor to provide an additional layer of expertise, support and comfort for your loved ones.
What are the differences between hospice and palliative care?

The difference between hospice and palliative care is that patients in hospice care have a limited life expectancy with an emphasis on comfort but no curative treatment. Palliative care can often accompany curative treatments if the patient is not in hospice care. In short, all hospice care is palliative care, but not all palliative care is hospice.

  • Hospice care can take place anywhere (home, family member’s home, vacation home, or nursing facility).
  • Hospice does not mean there is no more hope but rather living the rest of the days comfortably with family and loved ones.
  • Hospice is covered by most insurances, including Medicare, private insurance, private pay or from donations.
  • Hospice is comprised of different levels of care, including a high level of care for very sick patients.
  • Hospice is for available patients of all age groups. Shiloh Hospice only serves patients who are 18 years and older.
  • Hospice is not only for cancer patients. Patients with end-stage chronic diseases, COPD, HIV, Alzheimer, CHF, ALS and more can all benefit from hospice care.
  • Patients can receive hospice care with or without family members present. Hospice social workers can coordinate home care resources.
  • Hospice does not hasten or postpone death, but it provides spiritual and emotional support during the transition. In fact, some patients were discharged from hospice care because they felt better.
What are the benefits of early enrollment?
  • Early pain and symptoms management control measures can reduce unnecessary pain and suffering, thereby improving quality of life.
  • Reduction in ambulance rides to the Emergency Room/Intensive Care Unit and frequent doctor’s office visits. It helps keep your loved ones in the comfort of their home.
  • More time saying goodbye and attaining final wishes.
  • Access to hospice care team 24 hours a day, weekends and holidays.
  • Caregiver and family support through education, respite care and bereavement support.
What is the process of putting my family into hospice?

Anyone can refer a patient for a hospice service, however our hospice nurse practitioner or hospice nurse usually will come out and evaluate to make sure your loved one meets hospice criteria and relay findings to the medical director that oversees the program.

What is your hospice turn around time?

Once a patient is referred to us, our hospice nurse will admit within 24 hours once the patient or their Health Power of Attorney (POA) signs a consent for care.

How can I put my mother into an inpatient or hospice house?
Hospice care is meant to be provided wherever the patient calls home, however sometimes families/friends/loved ones are not able to provide the 24 hours care needs for their loved ones. Shiloh has contracts with various facilities so care can be provided for your loved ones. We like families to schedule visits at those facilities for a walk through so they can make a decision or where they like their loved ones to be placed. You do not have to use the hospice that is called the “preferred agency” by your hospital or nursing home. Medicare has given families the right to choose the care they desire for their loved ones. Once the family signs a consent, consent will be sent to any nursing home facility of your choice so comfort care can be provided.
How often will your staff visit my family?

Staff visit frequency is based on each patient’s specific needs. We develop an individualized plan of care at Shiloh to suit the needs of patients.

We Aim For Excellence In All That We Do.

Hospice is committed to providing compassionate support for individuals facing terminal illnesses, caring for their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being as they navigate the end of life. Similarly, palliative care shares the same philosophy of comprehensive patient care, extending its services to non-terminal patients, offering them the opportunity to lead longer, happier lives.

  • By law, all healthcare professionals must respect your choice.
  • You don’t need to use the hospice connected to your hospital.

Our dedicated team of professionals aims to ensure that every aspect of your care is tailored to your unique situation and wishes.

We offer compassionate
care for our patients and
their family throughout
the Greater Chicago area.

Our Services Hospice and Palliative Care

Shiloh Hospice and Palliative Care


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