
Liver Disease

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Hospice Care for Liver Diseases

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The mission of Shiloh Hospice is to attend to those in the final stages of liver disease. We aim to alleviate discomfort, manage symptoms, increase the quality of life and lessen apprehension for patients and their families. When a patient’s liver disease attains cirrhosis, a stage when the liver damage is permanent, it becomes an End Stage Liver Disease (ESLD) i.e. a terminal disease.

Indications it might be time for hospice

Seeing the slow decline of a patient with liver disease, it can be problematic to decide when it is accurate for hospice.

Not all patients with ESLD want or are suitable for a liver transplant. Thus, signs become challenging to manage, and quality of life worsens. And patients, plus their families and doctors, should think through hospice.

Don’t postpone the choice. Shiloh Hospice can considerably improve the quality of life for the patient and the family. If you feel it is time to focus on your loved one’s comfort and symptoms control, then hospice is the place to go.

Symptoms to look out for

A doctor can tell you the life expectancy of the patient. Nevertheless, look for these usual indications that the disease has evolved.

  • The patient has already had a failed liver transplant. And the patient is not entitled to or declines one more transplant.
  • Abrupt or advanced loss of functional self-sufficiency
  • Weight loss or decreased need to eat
  • Incapability to work
  • The patient spends the bulk of time sedentary
  • Misunderstanding, mental damage
  • Stomach distention
  • Unease
  • Bowel problems
  • Breathing problems
  • Prickly skin
  • Agitation
  • Changed temper and conduct

How can Shiloh Hospice help a patient with ESLD?

Shiloh Hospice assesses the patient’s status and revises the maintenance plan as ESLD symptoms and states transform. The objective of hospice is to manage the symptoms and ensure that the patient has a better quality of life from the distressing symptoms. Also, to alleviate physical and psychological suffering. Thus, patients can hold on to their self-worth and comfortable through hospice support.

Hospice offers complete medical equipment needed for patients with ESLD:

Managing the signs

Shiloh Hospice helps your loved ones to handle breathing and bowel problems. In addition, it caters to itchy skin, abdominal distress, agitation, misunderstanding, and additional symptoms usual to patients of ESLD.

Personalized scheme of care

As the end of life draws near, patients every so often become incapable of articulating their requirements. Therefore, Shiloh Hospice will make a plan that tackles discomfort, hydration, nourishment, skincare, distress, and additional symptoms generally related to the diagnosis.

Organized care till the very end

A care plan is made with the recommendation and consensus of the patient’s primary physician (if elected to participate in care by the patient) and hospice medical director. Furthermore, the hospice organizes and delivers all medications related to the hospice diagnosis, medical equipment, and curative tools related to the diagnosis. Thus, we make it unquestionable that patients are in the best of hands.

We Aim For Excellence In All That We Do.

Hospice is committed to providing compassionate support for individuals facing terminal illnesses, caring for their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being as they navigate the end of life. Similarly, palliative care shares the same philosophy of comprehensive patient care, extending its services to non-terminal patients, offering them the opportunity to lead longer, happier lives.

  • By law, all healthcare professionals must respect your choice.
  • You don’t need to use the hospice connected to your hospital.

Our dedicated team of professionals aims to ensure that every aspect of your care is tailored to your unique situation and wishes.

We offer compassionate
care for our patients and
their family throughout
the Greater Chicago area.

Our Services Hospice and Palliative Care

Shiloh Hospice and Palliative Care


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