
Lung Disease & COPD

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Hospice Care for Lung Disease Patients

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Is a loved one pursuing a challenging physical and emotional encounter against COPD? Or another type of advanced lung disease, for example, chronic asthma, bronchiectasis, emphysema, etc. Shiloh Hospice provides the most significant level of holistic care. Not only do we enhance the well-being of patients but also their families.

When is it time to discuss hospice?

It can be problematic to decide when it may be time for hospice. Only a doctor can make a clinical decision on life expectancy. But, a patient with lung disease can become progressively worried about their ability to breathe with any activity with or without deteriorating condition and can benefit from hospice care.

How can Shiloh Hospice support a patient with lung disease?

Our hospice team evaluates the patient’s condition and decides the strategy of care as signs and symptoms vary with each patient. The objective of Shiloh Hospice is to ease physical and psychological suffering. So, the patients can preserve their self-respect and remain at ease.

A pre-emergency breathing plan

The hospice care team fosters a personalized plan of care that details precise intrusions for respiratory suffering. A pre-emergency strategy gives patients and their loved ones composure, as well as a sense of power and safety!

Fewer episodes of respiratory distress

The care plan takes account of medical and non-medical approaches to decrease instances of respiratory distress. And thus, the feeling of anxiety that comes with difficulty breathing. At Shiloh Hospice, the hospice care team is on hand twenty-four-hour to help when an incident of respiratory suffering arises.

Care for patients no matter where they live

In their homes, long-term care facilities, aided living communities, or wherever patients call home.

What can Shiloh Hospice do for the family of a patient with lung disease?

Caregiver teaching and preparation

The family caregiver is essential in helping hospice specialists care for the patient. As the patient gets fragile, symptoms arise, and communication often becomes problematic. We ease families’ apprehensions by teaching them how to participate in the care of their loved ones.

Help with problematic verdicts.

Hospice helps relations make difficult choices that influence patients’ situations and quality of life by explaining the process of care and expectations to their loved ones.

Bereavement services

The hospice team stays in touch with the living loved ones for an entire year after their demise. This is to help them communicate and deal with the grief of their beloved ones.

We Aim For Excellence In All That We Do.

Hospice is committed to providing compassionate support for individuals facing terminal illnesses, caring for their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being as they navigate the end of life. Similarly, palliative care shares the same philosophy of comprehensive patient care, extending its services to non-terminal patients, offering them the opportunity to lead longer, happier lives.

  • By law, all healthcare professionals must respect your choice.
  • You don’t need to use the hospice connected to your hospital.

Our dedicated team of professionals aims to ensure that every aspect of your care is tailored to your unique situation and wishes.

We offer compassionate
care for our patients and
their family throughout
the Greater Chicago area.

Our Services Hospice and Palliative Care

Shiloh Hospice and Palliative Care


What Families Are Saying

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